1.2.1. To see dammed hell first confirmation that proposed by Bapeksta financially, KPP PMA'S head, KPP Badora's head, and KPP'S head that Go Public's firm on item 1.1.1, this new rule, besides prevailing to see dammed hell first confirmation that is proposed on or after the date this Form Letter, also applies to see dammed hell first confirmation already being proposed before date of this Form Letter but then until with this Form Letter date haven't available its answer.
1.2.2. To see dammed hell first confirmation that proposed by that KPP'S head on item 1.1.2, this new rule just applies to see dammed hell first confirmation that is proposed on or after the date this Form Letter.
1.3. New rule about this confirmation is inoperative for confirmation requisition on Entry Taxes Invoice that is utilized and / or one published by PKP what do include in SR's Number letter 01 / PJ.7 / 1993, SR - 385 / PJ. 7 / 1993, and SR 278 / PJ.701 / 1995.
2. To all PKP more restitution demander pays VAT and its provider, opened by opportunity to give its collaboration to hasten restitution service. Therefore, equalled by its position with confirmation answer "available", which is xerox SPT following VAT Term its attachment from PKP Taxes Invoice publishers that be or that asked will confirmation, along on SPT that VAT Term was brought together receipt from KPP what does administer PKP that Taxes Invoice publisher and along from SPT that VAT Term got gotten by answer "available" for Taxes Invoice that be or that asked will confirmation. This rule is prevailing for SPT VAT Term that measures up aforesaid, one that is passed on good by PKP restitution demander that Entry Taxes Invoice it be or that asked will confirmation and also one be passed on own by PKP that Taxes Invoice publisher.
This rule is prevailing for all PKP restitution demander, including PKP PKP that on item 1, with PKP'S exemption user and Taxes Invoice publisher as referred to in SR's Number letter 01 / PJ.7 / 1993, SR - 385 / PJ. 7 / 1993, and SR 278 / PJ.701 / 1995.
This rule, besides prevailing to forwarding xerox SPT VAT Term in order to confirmation which happens on or after the date this Form Letter, in force also for forwarding xerox SPT VAT Term in order to confirmation already happens before date of this Form Letter.
3. KPP who rides herd on PKP restitution demander shall transfer via faksimil's confirmation requisition in the period of 3 (three) days afters be accepted Entry Taxes Invoice from PKP restitution demander, to KPP that rides herd on PKP Taxes Invoice publisher that pertinent.
4. Follow-up of Entry Taxes Invoice that its restitution was serviced bases rule in this Form Letter has to be done accords rule in AS 35 / PJ.5 / 1989.
5. To taxpayer in particular PKP, that was urged to look after and utilizes this new procedure responsible ala.