"Implementation of Evaluation Planning Taxes (Tax Planning) of Income Tax (PT Case Studies At. Proportionality Partners)"
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background research that has been kemukakan author, over a problem that can perumuskan author rumuskan as research material on this discussion as follows:
1. How the implementation of tax planning (Tax Planning), which is done by PT Mitra commensurate savings in order to make tax payments (Income Tax Agency)?
2. Whether tax planning (Tax Planning) does not violate provisions of taxation?
C. Objectives and Benefits Research
1. The objective of the research are:
a. To know the implementation of tax planning (Tax Planning), which is done by PT Mitra commensurate savings in order to make a tax payment (PPh Badan)
b. To know the planning tax (Tax Planning) and its application on the income and expenses made by PT Mitra equivalent efficiency in the business.
2. Benefit from this research are:
a. Scientific Benefits
1) Provide a more in-depth understanding of the theory to evaluate the implementation of tax planning.
2) Increasing the knowledge and insight about the information on the problems associated with the implementation of tax.
3) Can be used as inspiration for other researchers to make comparisons of the writing associated with the next planning tax (Tax Planning), so that the writing will be better.
4) To help provide information for parties interested in the field of taxation, especially on tax planning (Tax Planning).
b. Practical benefits
1) The results of this research are expected to serve as inputs in terms of planning, especially taxes on income and expenses in the effort to minimize the tax burden.
2) The author expects that the conclusions are very useful as a basis to contribute thoughts and suggestions in the effort to solve the problem.